Saturday, 16 May 2009

Postal Art Collective- The Art Department- Sketchbook 2

Ok, so this is where it starts, the sketchbook i am sent to respond to. a joe bloggs man, very neatly recording his very ordinary life feeling obliged to take his kids to church in sunday, who works in insurance, wants a flashy sports car but his wife abi gets him this ferrari diary instead......who then goes off the rails and spends 5 months losing the plot gradually in hospital, fantasising about the nurse and scrawling his enraged thoughts across the pages til the end photo above climaxing in his 'bitch' wife selling his ferrari. to be honest its bloody funny, good little anecdotes and observations.

this is a real challenge to respond to, i want to bring the visual and performative into it. the whole concepts of diaries, why we keep them, these secret locked away worlds that is then shattered when others' sneak a look in, that we start with good intentions that then often peters out. the whole relationship to how this has often been replaced with online versions of real time recording our actions and thoughts in twitter, and use of blogs could also be of consideration.

in the next post i will show photos of how i have made my intervention......

Postal Art Collective- The Art Department- Sketchbook 2- First intervention

so.... in continuing the postal art project with my first intervention into this ferrari diary i was sent, here's the entry I made about the trip away keeping the diary with me as though through the eyes of phillip gage, the diary owner, recording visually the accounts of what was experienced- sightseeing, restaurants, car parks. these images are intended as a mark made as piece of process, so encourage intervention, i'm not entirely sure they interact yet.

the last image 'attitude of a winner' i love. what a slogan, eh. i'm going to head to the spanking new ferrari store on regent street for inspiration (phillip gage's dirty dream no doubt) for the where next. it isn't online for the london store, but there are some gems here....meanwhile it's been sent back to the sketchbook owner for their intervention......

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Site visit to Rag Factory for Kiss me Miss me event 30th May

large performance space

other end of the gallery

one of the performance spaces

where the gallery will be

the kitchen area i am to use is through the white door to the left, with images displayed in the gallery.

Ok, so went to the rag factory to check out the space for the event I am taking part in with (in)visible exchange, Kiss Me Miss Me on saturday 30th may, 6-12pm. the space was in a bit of chaos in an in between state of building work, so the above photos are just to help me visualise moving through the space. more in the next post on the actual area, the kitchen i will be using.

the road its on is just off brick lane, Heneage Street, London E1.

Sunday, 3 May 2009

my garden shed project's the project i have been sooooooo wanting to do since my MA show and have been saving up the magic beans....having proper work space at last and also a camera obscura in the garden, and a performance space, and also want to host a shedathon over the summer, ha ha! got any ideas? this space....

colour? natural stone is winning me over at the moment. have moved in temporarlily pending choosing colour.

garden tlc is starting, little by little....
how the garden was. actually it was a lot worse than that, huge dumping ground/ikea graveyard. big thanks and love to dom for all your help and patience x