Sunday, 21 September 2008

developed from the EEC platform- thoughts on duckie show

the laundry room to possibly peg up the photograms to dry as a performance installation

sink to develop image

staircase to sit and share story sat on

club itself- to the right is the private sign on the door you go through to get upstairs

ok, so here's the first post, post-MA!!!

i have shows coming up- see my website here which includes duckie at the vauxhall tavern, a gay cabaret and club night, on the 18th october

i was asked to do this show by andrew mitchelson from the live art development agency after the EEC Platform for Emerging artists in May (although this is not part of the live art development agency but a project andrew was asked by duckie to curate)

in chatting with andrew, am going for creating a piece which is max 5 minutes per encounter responding to this site, had wanted to go with sheds on the city farm next door but too costly :(

use the mobile phones idea here taken from my shed MA show at the beginning of september, and the forced conviviality references, as its very club technology, works in this atmosphere of strangers encountering one another.

very rough thoughts...(am going to duckie on 27th sept to see how i think this would fit in)

meet the participant downstairs by the private sign in the club, me/them take a mobile phone photo of the two of us. go upstairs together. we sit together on the main (ornate) staircase a few steps up- in the ambient light coming through the windows. i ask them what they keep in their pocket/on their person to share with me that they'd like to say something about- eg in pocket/bag/ worn. i ask them to NOT remove/produce the item in question. when we have talked about the story of it, why its' of personal significance. we go to the bathroom in red light, close the door and sit on the side of the bath/floor. i then ask them to reveal the object and lay the object onto photographic paper, turn on the bathroom light and then develop the image in the sink/bath.developer is in some appropriate bathroom beauty/ cleaning product container poured onto the image and let drain away down the plug after development. i then ask them/i turn on the mobile phone image of us together and hold over the image to finally kill it to black completely. the digital image is then deleted. the photogram is taken to hang up on string with pegs in the laundry room with all the other ones (performance installation) , the participant then is taken to the stairs to the club and leaves.